- Crying to Your Favorite Sad Songs Is Good for You
Crying is a great way to let out all your pent up emotions and, according to a new study, boost your mood considerably. All you need is a sad song that gets the tears flowing.Read more...
- 12 Apr 17, 11:45pm -
- How Negative Thinkers Can Train Themselves to Stop Being Grumps
Positive thinking has a ton of benefits, from expanding your creativity to boosting your health, but if you’re prone to a more negative outlook, it can be hard to see the glass as half full. Here’s how you can retrain your brain to become a more…
- 12 Apr 17, 11:00pm -
- Are Video Games Keeping You Unemployed?
Video games keep getting more complex and visually appealing, so it’s no wonder more people are drawn to them nowadays. But this new era of compelling digital entertainment could have a dark side for unemployed young men.Read more...
- 12 Apr 17, 10:10pm -
- The Grapevine Comedians Pay Tribute to Charlie Murphy | Deadspin The Browns Can’t Possibly Fuck This
The Grapevine Comedians Pay Tribute to Charlie Murphy | Deadspin The Browns Can’t Possibly Fuck This Up...Right? | Jezebel Woman Charged for Having Sex With Dogs Claims She Didn’t Know It Was Illegal | Fusion Black Panther & The Crew Is What…
- 12 Apr 17, 9:57pm -
- Five Umami Bombs You Should Always Have Stocked In Your Kitchen
“Umami,” also known as “the fifth taste,” is a flavor that is kind of hard to describe. It’s savory, but not salty, though it is usually accompanied by salt. It’s been described as “meaty,” “mushroom-y,” and “brothy,” but I pr…
- 12 Apr 17, 9:00pm -
- I'm Brad Smith, CEO of Intuit, and This Is How I Work
Brad Smith knows karate. Not “business karate” or any overwrought metaphor about teamwork; he literally teaches karate. Or at least he used to before he became chairman and CEO of Intuit.Read more...
- 12 Apr 17, 8:44pm -
- How to Prevent iMessages From Accidentally Appearing On Other Devices
If you own multiple Apple devices, you’ve probably signed into all of them with your Apple ID. You’ve also probably noticed that when you get a Facetime call your computer rings, or when you get an iMessage your iPad beeps. For most of us, this i…
- 12 Apr 17, 6:13pm -
- Microwaving Your Tea Boosts Its Antioxidants, But How Does It Taste?
It’s been a rough news week, and it’s only Wednesday. Fortunately, though, today’s raging controversy is about tea. Is it okay to microwave it? Is it better to microwave it? Australian research says yes, while tea aficionados worldwide recoil i…
- 12 Apr 17, 5:30pm -
- These Are Your Favorite Home Theater Surge Protectors
After some charged debate in this week’s nomination round, three models surged past the competition in our hunt for the best home theater surge protector. Check out the finalists below, and don’t forget to vote at the bottom of the post.Read more…
- 12 Apr 17, 4:50pm -
- Tape That Allen Wrench to the Bottom of Whatever It Came With
There’s never an Allen wrench around when you need one, which is why they come with nearly every Ikea item. But years down the line, when you need to disassemble that TÄRENDÖ or even tighten a few bolts, it’s disappeared again.Read more...
- 12 Apr 17, 4:00pm -